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starting to use live people as soldiers or workers
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TOPIC: starting to use live people as soldiers or workers
starting to use live people as soldiers or workers 10 Years, 2 Months ago  
The commander has the ability to search and build newstructures for new weapons or soldiers, by the exploited by Redstone and gold workers, and issues commands to attack other players in http://www.4wower.com/ the team, defend or help build or demolish new structures. Commanders offers canalso provide certain players for a series of official and can alsoapprove or requests of the players of the team gold loans newweapons or deny any other character (I'll explain it here in a second). In short, the commander comes to playing World of Warcraft RTS, rather than an FPS, but starting to use live people as soldiers or workers. Now gold needto request from his commander occasionally comes into play with variouscharacters and weapons must be purchased ordinary use. Forexample, the team starts with a simple nomadic toSelect is free and comes with an ax and a bow and arrow, while selectable beastsget cleanser equipped with two swords made from defeated enemies bones.
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